Once you've found the answers, send your responses to lucyandshawnee@yahoo.com --- FIRST participants with all the correct answer wins, based on the time/date stamp of your email. You may also post comments on this post, but only answers emailed in will be considered. Prize package info to be posted by Lucy!!
- She's hosting a beach themed apron swap on SwapBot
- She joined a paperback book swap not long ago
- She recently sent an apron to sunny Florida
- This mommy of three boys crafts the most feminine aprons
- She made TWO vintage aprons recently - one for her partner and one for Shawnee
- She's new to swapping but has one under her belt already!
- She received a pink apron in her last swap AND has already received this one
- This swapper is getting ready to move, AND loves to repurpose old clothes
- This multi-talented swappers also knits and gardens, and is in a Harry Potter event
- This swapper thinks Eight is Great
- In addition to sewing, she also creates custom stationery
- She may need treatment for her addiction to sewing yoyos.
- She designs blogs in addition to crafting aprons
- She recently shared a candle tutorial with blogland
- Her life is served with a glass of milk on the side
- This crafter knits in public and has pictures to show it!
- She recently visited Switzerland and Germany
- This creative swappers hosts vintage swaps
- She's trying to decide on a name for her new car
- Her bucket list has 101 things on it!
- She crafted a mother-daughter apron set for a co-worker
- This crazy mommy of one little boy and two big messy doggies made a skirt recently in addition to all her fun aprons
- This country gal has kitties, birdies, sheep and more
- She regularly hosts swaps and giveaway all while going to school AND working
- Her doggie Bert loves popcorn
- A car ran into this swapper's home recently
- This gal has been drinking Sassy Water
- She is queen of apron tutorials!
oh goodness. My husband and I are leaving in a few hours for a road trip to Oregon or I would love to do this.
ReplyDeleteGood luck to everyone!!! what fun :)
happy swapping - Amy W.
Is there a winner yet?